Know The Truth About Moving and Residing Between Ireland and the UK

The question of whether British and Irish citizens need permission to reside in each other’s countries has been a recurring concern, especially in the post-Brexit era. This confusion is understandable given the significant changes Brexit has brought to travel and residency regulations. Let’s delve into the details to clear up any misconceptions.

Affected Routes

Travel between the UK and the Eurozone has seen many changes post-Brexit, significantly impacting the movement of goods, services, and people. However, the dynamic between the UK and Ireland has largely remained untouched, although confusion about travel between these two countries persists.

The Good News for British and Irish Citizens

British and Irish citizens can still travel, work, study, and live freely in each other’s countries, even after Brexit. Here’s why:


1.The Common Travel Area (CTA): The CTA, which pre-dates EU membership, allows free movement for citizens of both countries. This agreement ensures that British and Irish citizens can move freely between the two countries.


2.Government Commitment: Both the UK and Irish governments confirmed their commitment to the CTA in 2019, ensuring that Brexit would not affect the long-standing arrangement.


3.Special Immigration Rights: Irish and UK immigration laws grant special rights to each other’s citizens, allowing them to move freely between the two countries without the need for additional documentation.

What Does It Mean For You?

1.No Visa Required: British and Irish citizens do not need a visa, passport stamp, or any special permission to travel between Ireland and the UK.


2.Freedom of Movement: You can move freely between the two countries without the need for extensive documentation. While you may be asked to show an ID, no special entry documents are required when traveling by land.


Points To Remember

1.Citizenship Requirement: The ease of travel and residency applies only to British and Irish citizens. If you are not a citizen of either country, you may need permission to enter.


2.Restrictions: There are limitations for citizens who have deportation orders or travel bans.

Enjoy Easy Travelling

British and Irish citizens can enjoy the ease of travel between Ireland and the UK, continuing to benefit from the longstanding Common Travel Area arrangement. Therefore, the freedom of movement between these two countries remains intact post-Brexit.

How Can Irish Expert Help You

If you wish to ask any question or plan to make the move, get in touch with Irish Expert. Our qualified immigration lawyers and in-house visa team can assist you in making an informed decision. So, whether you’re planning to move, work, or simply visit, rest assured, we are here for you.



ireland visa rules are too strict

Families Torn Apart: Are Ireland's Visa Rules Too Strict?

As beautiful as Ireland is as a destination, its non-EU General Employment Permit holders (mostly parents and/or spouses) are struggling to reunite with their families (mostly children) here while applying for dependent visas. Let’s explore why in detail:

Firstly, there is an obligatory two-year waiting period that allows the sponsorship of dependents, which is practically a long period of time for those eager to be with their families or are away from their children.

Then comes the essential challenge that hinders the families from reuniting. The minimum income requirement for sponsorship fluctuates often. This inconsistency obstructs the long-term financial planning and stability that are needed to bring your loved ones together. To add to this, the gap between the average earnings of working individuals and the set income thresholds creates financial strain. The threshold is higher than individuals earn on average, which makes it difficult to apply for a dependent visa for their spouse and/or children.

The Irish embassies exercise limited discretion when it comes to the number of dependents or children. This results in rigid limitations, which are essentially keeping the parents and their children apart due to rigid limitations on family sizes.

However, we could still hope for a change. If the processes become streamlined, more fixated regulations would alleviate burdens and facilitate easier family reunions.

Amidst this ever-changing landscape of regulations, the application process can become lengthy and overwhelming. It needs keen attention-to-detail and a deep understanding of these shifting requirements.

Irish Expert empowers individuals with the knowledge needed to navigate the current Irish visa systems. Our qualified immigration lawyers and our in-house expert visa team are vigilant about these regulatory shifts and recommend seeking guidance from our end for up-to-date support throughout the process.

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uk spouse visa

The Impact of UK Spouse Visa Financial Threshold Changes on Couples Reuniting: What and How?

Recent revisions to the UK spouse visa financial requirements are interfering with couples reuniting. The updated criteria, which increased from the previous threshold of ₤18,600  to ₤29,000, will further increase to ₤34,500 and then to ₤38,700 by 2025. This poses significant challenges and complicates the process for partners seeking to build their lives together in the United Kingdom.

Love is beyond borders, yet bureaucratic barriers are now hindering couples from reuniting in the UK. The heightened financial thresholds are creating unnecessary obstacles, leaving many struggling to meet the strict criteria set by the government.

Navigating the journey of a UK spouse visa, once straightforward, now burdens couples with addressing complex financial demands. Acquiring this huge amount can be a distressing task, which additionally hampers their prospects of reunification.

These changes do not only affect the couples financially but they also cast a shadow of doubt over the possibility of building their lives in the UK.

As we witness the toll of UK spouse visa financial requirements on couples on their journey to a new chapter in the UK, we extend our support and guidance to them. Our top immigration lawyers and our in-house team of visa experts bridge this gap and ensure their journey reaches their beautiful destination.

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new exciting schengen visa rules for indian nationals

New Exciting Schengen Visa Rules for Indian Nationals!

On April 18, 2024, the European Commission implemented new guidelines for awarding multiple-entry visas to Indian people, making the process easier than before. Under the new rules, Indian nationals can get long-term, multi-entry Schengen visas valid for two years after obtaining and lawfully using two visas in the previous three years.

This decision seeks to strengthen collaboration under the EU-India Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility by encouraging person-to-person contacts. Schengen visas allow for brief visits of up to 90 days in the Schengen area without a specific purpose, but they do not discuss employment rights.

The Schengen Area consists of 26 European countries, including 25 EU member states, namely Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.

Now that Indian nationals can get their hands on the Schengen visa with longer validity as well, this is the right time to apply for it. Don’t let this opportunity go to waste.

You now have the chance to explore all of these breathtaking destinations with a freer mind, hassle-free. Get in touch with our qualified immigration lawyers at Irish Expert and increase your chances of visa approval, worry-free.

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the uk visa is going digital

The UK visa is going digital!

The UK Government has announced that UK eVisas are going to replace the immigration paperwork by 2025. Pretty exciting, right?


The United Kingdom is set to gradually phase out the physical biometric immigration cards, including Biometric Residence Permits (BRP) and Biometric Residence Cards (BRC), following their initiative to create a digital border.

Now, instead of physical cards or in-passport vignettes, the applicants will get their visas verified online, which will serve as proof of their immigration status.

The eVisas will also be linked with their passports and/or other travel documents as required.

The applicants must remember to update or create the official UKVI or UK Visa and Immigrations account that will hold their eVisa and other important and relevant documents. They can also share your documents with third parties according to their needs. Make sure to keep this account updated, as border control will verify everything through this UKVI account.

If there are any questions or queries, you can reach out to us at Irish Expert. Our qualified immigration lawyers will help you through the process and make this transition easier for you.

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Changes made in Canada in PGWP for International Students

What is PGWP?

A post-graduation work permit (PGWP) is an unrestricted work permit issued to international students upon finishing their studies in Canada. PGWP holders have the freedom to work anywhere in Canada for any employer without any restrictions on the number of hours.

The duration of your PGWP is determined by factors such as the level and duration of your study program, as well as the expiration date of your passport, whichever comes first.

The changes implemented by the Canadian Government

The Government of Canada has applied changes to its post-graduation work permit (PGWP), starting on February 15, 2024. The changes are as follows:

  • International students who have completed their Master’s, even under two years, will now qualify for a 3-year PGWP. (They still need to be eligible.)

  • Also, starting on September 1, 2024, students who are enrolled in the Curriculum Licensing Agreement will no longer be eligible for PGWP.

  • Special measures for distance learning and PGWP validity have been extended until August 31, 2024.


Are all international students eligible for a PGWP?

You could qualify for a PGWP if you completed your studies at a designated learning institution (DLI) and wish to remain in Canada temporarily for employment purposes. A DLI refers to a school authorized by a provincial or territorial government in Canada to accommodate international students.

However, graduating from a DLI does not automatically guarantee eligibility for a PGWP. It’s important to consult the DLI list to identify which schools offer eligible programs.

Who is eligible for a longer post-graduation work permit?

Graduates of programs lasting at least two years at designated learning institutions (DLIs) eligible for PGWP, as well as graduates of master’s degree programs shorter than 2 years, are eligible for a 3-year PGWP.

For the master’s degree program

While shorter programs (8 months or 900 hours) qualify master’s graduates for a 3-year PGWP, other programs also qualify at different lengths (e.g., diplomas at 1 year).

What is the processing time to get a PGWP?

There is a 180-day window during which you must apply for your PGWP for the date you finish your study program. Applicants can also work in Canada while waiting for their PGWP to be processed, given that they have submitted their application before their study permit has expired.


In conclusion, a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) in Canada allows international students to work without restrictions after completing their studies. Its duration depends on various factors, including the program’s length and the student’s passport expiration date. Recent changes include granting a 3-year PGWP to Master’s graduates and discontinuing PGWP eligibility for Curriculum Licensing Agreement students on September 1, 2024. While not all international students automatically qualify for a PGWP, those from designated learning institutions with programs lasting at least two years are eligible. Additionally, the processing time for a PGWP application is typically within 180 days from the program completion date.


If you also wish to work or study in Canada, consult Irish Expert. Our top-notch study-abroad counsellors and our dedicated immigration consultants are here to guide you and make your academic and professional dreams soar high!


Book your FREE consultation now!

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France Sets Ambitious Goal to Attract 30,000 Indian Students by 2030

In a significant announcement at this year’s Republic Day parade, French President Emmanuel Macron unveiled plans to encourage more Indian students to pursue higher education in France. Macron expressed his determination to achieve an ambitious target of hosting over 30,000 Indian students in France by the year 2030.


Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Macron stated, “30,000 Indian students in France in 2030. It’s a very ambitious target, but I am determined to make it happen.” The French President outlined several measures to facilitate this initiative, including assistance for non-French speaking students to attend French universities.


To cater to students who may not be fluent in French, Macron revealed plans for the development of the Alliance française network, with the establishment of new centres dedicated to learning the language. Additionally, international classes will be introduced to enable students with limited proficiency in French to join French universities seamlessly.


Addressing potential visa-related challenges faced by Indian students, Macron emphasized the commitment to streamline the process. “Last but not least, we will facilitate the visa process for any former Indian students who studied in France,” he added.


This announcement comes on the heels of previous concerns raised by Thierry Mathou, the Ambassador of France, regarding visa-related issues faced by Indian students aspiring to study in France. Mathou highlighted President Macron’s commitment to welcoming 30,000 Indian students within French higher institutions by 2030.


In a recent interaction with IANS, Ambassador Mathou discussed the measures taken to address visa-related challenges. He acknowledged that Indian students have encountered difficulties in obtaining visas for higher studies in France but reassured that France is now actively working to overcome these issues.


One noteworthy provision introduced last year is the five-year short-stay Schengen visa for Indian students holding a Master’s degree or above. This special provision applies to those who have spent at least one semester studying in France. The French government believes that fostering connections with Indian alumni through extended visa options will strengthen ties between the two nations.


The move is being seen as a big opportunity for Indian students, who may find studying in France more accessible with the proposed measures. The commitment from President Macron reflects a broader initiative to strengthen educational and cultural ties between India and France, creating a conducive environment for international students to pursue higher education in the heart of Europe.


In conclusion, President Macron’s vision to host 30,000 Indian students in France by 2030 signals a new era of educational collaboration. The proposed measures, from language support to streamlined visas, demonstrate France’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic environment. As these initiatives unfold, the lasting impact will not just be seen in numbers but in the strengthened cultural ties and transformative experiences for Indian students, contributing to a more interconnected global community.

If France is also your dream study destination, now is the time to go for it! Get in touch with our experienced study abroad counsellors and fly to your dreams hassle-free!

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How did it get so easy to get German citizenship?

The government of Germany has recently passed new citizenship law reforms that are going to bring significant changes in German immigration practices and the way they affect the The government of Germany has recently passed new citizenship law reforms that are going to bring significant changes in German immigration practices and the way they affect the country. From relaxing the rules on obtaining citizenship to enabling dual citizenship and more, these changes aim to enhance immigrant integration and expedite the recruitment of skilled worker.

Breakdown of the Citizenship Laws

  • Reduced residency requirement

Previous Requirement

New Requirement


8 years of residency in Germany

Reduced to 5 years

Revamping the path to citizenship for those remarkably contributing to German society

Special Case: Individuals with ‘special integration accomplishments’ may qualify in just three years.

  • Automatic citizenship for children born in Germany

Previous Rule

New Rule


It requires one parent to be a legal resident for at least 8 years.

Reduced to 5 years

Acquiring German citizenship for children born to immigrant parents in Germany is now easier.

  • Dual citizenship approval

Previous Rule

New Rule


Most non-EU citizens had to renounce their previous citizenship.

There are no more restrictions on holding dual citizenships like in a lot of other European countries.

This will now allow individuals to hold citizenship in Germany and another country simultaneously.

  • Government Emphasis on Integration and Skilled Workers


Supporting Statement

Government Perspective

Enhance immigrant integration and attract more skilled workers.

Approximately 23% of the German population lacks German citizenship.

Aligns Germany with its European neighbours and addresses the need to compete for global talent.

Three phases of the changes

First phase: On November 18, 2023, the initial phase of Germany’s updated skilled worker law came into operation, bringing changes to the regulations related to EU Blue Cards. These adjustments aim to enhance opportunities for skilled workers seeking entry into Germany.
Second phase: Anticipating change will start on March 1, 2024, including flexible pathways for education and certification under the revised Skilled Immigration Act. This will allow individuals pursuing qualifications in Germany to align with their foreign training to engage in part-time employment for a maximum of three years at twenty hours per week.
Skilled workers seeking recognition for their foreign qualifications can commence work immediately with the consent of their German employers, provided they possess a minimum A2 level of proficiency in German and hold a professional certification of at least two years.
Third phase: The Talented Immigration Act, benefiting skilled workers, will streamline family reunification processes, specifically for spouses, minor children, and, crucially, parents or parents-in-law.
While the requirement for adequate living space is reduced, proving the ability to support livelihoods remains necessary. Skilled workers with valid residency permits post-March 2024 can bring their parents or parents-in-law to Germany, emphasising the importance of family ties and enhancing the welcoming environment for qualified workers settling in the country.


The recent easing of German citizenship rules reflects a strategic move by the government to foster integration and attract skilled workers. The reduction in residency requirements, approval of dual citizenship, and streamlined family reunification processes demonstrate a progressive approach. The three-phase changes, including flexible education pathways and expedited family reunification, highlight Germany’s commitment to competitiveness and inclusivity. These reforms mark a significant evolution in immigration practices, providing a welcoming environment for both skilled workers and their families and contributing to the nation’s growth and diversity.
If you also want to move to Germany, now is the best time to plan this! Consult a qualified immigration lawyer who can help you build a strong profile that will carve an easy path to success for you.

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What is an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) ?

AEWV stands for Accredited Employer Work Visa. It’s a type of work visa in New Zealand that allows people from other countries to work there. The “Accredited Employer” part means that the employer (the company or person hiring) has been approved or accredited by the New Zealand government. This visa has been made to make it easier for skilled workers to come and work in New Zealand.


The recent changes in the AEWV category aim to ensure fairness in the treatment of migrants and simplify the visa application process.

Points to note in the new AEWV changes

Let’s look at what these Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) changes are:

90-Day Trials Removed: Starting from October 29th, 2023, when hiring under AEWV, accredited employers can no longer add 90-day trial periods in the employment agreement. This change will help promote and improve fairness in hiring migrant workers with legitimate labour needs or skills gaps. Job-checking applications should not come with a trial period. Accredited employers who violate the rules risk getting their accreditation revoked; a vigilant check will be conducted on the same.
AEWV Job Check application: Starting on October 29th, 2023, AEWV Job Check applications that are being reviewed will be turned down if they include an employment agreement with a trial period, no matter when they were submitted. However, this does not apply to applications that are based on Job Checks that were approved before October 29, 2023, or for migrants who have applied for an AEWV using a Job Check that was approved before this date.
AEWV Employer Accreditation Updates: Changes have been made to the immigration rules to make it clearer how an employer’s accreditation under AEWV can be suspended or revoked. Starting on October 29th, 2023, accreditation may be suspended if immigration officials or other regulators check to see if the employer is following the rules for immigration, employment, and business. This applies to both official investigations and general checks on compliance. Employers are not allowed to make visa applicants and current visa holders pay for certain expenses.
Threshold changes: AEWV Labour Hire Employment: Starting November 27th, 2023, the accredited labour-hire firms placing migrants in specific construction roles must establish a minimum of 35% of their labour-hire workforce consisting of New Zealand citizens and residents in full-time employment. Previously, the threshold was 15%. Existing employers maintaining the 15% threshold are not going to lose their accreditation but now must maintain it at 35%.
Processing Time Increased: INZ has reframed its AEWV assessment method to increase the precision and authenticity of job listings and help the employer support
the hiring of migrant workers. In consequence, the processing time of the application has increased. Most applications can now take over 10 days to process. Employers are encouraged to plan for a minimum of six weeks for the completion of accreditation and job check applications, considering the current processing times. This extended
timeframe allows for a thorough assessment and ensures adherence to immigration procedures. In cases where there is an urgent need for allocations, employers have the option to expedite the process by utilising the INZ employment visa escalation procedure, providing a quicker resolution for time-sensitive situations.


In conclusion, the recent changes to New Zealand’s Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) indicate a commitment to fairness and transparency in the treatment of migrant workers. 90-day trial period removal, updates to accreditation processes, an adjusted threshold, and increased processing times signify a comprehensive effort to streamline the visa application system. While these changes may present challenges, they aim to ensure a more equitable and efficient environment for both employers and skilled workers seeking opportunities in New Zealand.

Are you also looking forward to working in New Zealand?

These new changes might confuse you. Make sure to connect with a qualified immigration lawyer who can easily explain the complexities of these visa changes and make sure your visa gets approved smoothly. Place your fate in the hands of an expert and keep turning your dreams into reality.

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Canada Imposes a Two-Year Cap on International Student Visas Amid the
Housing CrisisCanada Imposes a Two-Year Cap on International Student Visas Amid the Housing Crisis

Housing Cri

In response to a mounting housing crisis and concerns about programme integrity, Canada has recently announced a prominent policy shift: a two-year cap on new international student visas. Immigration Minister Marc Miller disclosed that 364,000 permits would be approved in 2024, impacting prospective students, particularly those from India. With nearly 3.2 lakh Indians already residing in Canada under student visas, the decision reflects the government’s proactive approach to addressing infrastructure challenges and maintaining a sustainable balance in the face of rising numbers of non-permanent residents entering the country.In response to a mounting housing crisis and concerns about programme integrity, Canada
has recently announced a prominent policy shift: a two-year cap on new international student
visas. Immigration Minister Marc Miller disclosed that 364,000 permits would be approved
in 2024, impacting prospective students, particularly those from India. With nearly 3.2 lakh
Indians already residing in Canada under student visas, the decision reflects the government’s
proactive approach to addressing infrastructure challenges and maintaining a sustainable
balance in the face of rising numbers of non-permanent residents entering the country.


Government Concerns and Policy Rationale

  • The government expresses concerns about the integrity of the student visa program. This decision is going to address pressure on infrastructure and public services due to the influx of international students. The Immigration Minister emphasises the need fora sustainable level of temporary residence

National Application Intake Cap

  • A two-year national application intake cap will be implemented in 2024 to control A two-year national application intake cap will be implemented in 2024 to control growth. Miller states the aim is to prevent further increases in the number of international students in Canada in 2024.
    growth. Miller states the aim is to prevent further increases in the number of
    international students in Canada in 2024.

Reduction in Student Visas

  • There has been an anticipated 35% reduction in new student visas in 2024. The number is down from approximately 560,000 visas issued the previous year. Reassessment of the number of permits to be issued will be done in 2025 at the end of 2024.

Impact on Indian Students

  • Indian students, a significant demographic, are expected to be adversely affected. Canada, a preferred destination for higher studies, is likely to see a decline in Indian students.

International Student Statistics

  • Over 800,000 international students were issued temporary study visas in 2022. Reports indicate that 40% of international students in Canadian institutions were from India in 2022. Indian students accounted for approximately 2.15 lakh permits in November 2023.

Distribution and Federal Requirements

  • Provinces and territories were given autonomy in distributing permits among universities and colleges. Reduction of visa issues up to 50% for some regions.
  • The federal government requires international students to provide an attestation letter from a province or territory when applying for a permit.


Canada’s decision to cap international student visas for two years reflects a strategic response to a housing crisis, concerns about programme integrity, and the need for a sustainable approach to temporary residence. This move is anticipated to impact a significant number of Indian students who consider Canada a preferred destination for their higher education. The reduction in student visas aims to address infrastructure challenges and aligns with the government’s efforts to manage the overall growth of non-permanent residents in the country.

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