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Ireland is a safe and friendly country and has been widely recognized in terms of quality of life, peace and development. It welcomes the international students with open arms. Many international students choose Ireland because Irish qualifications are acknowledged for excellence across the globe. Although students can access a wide range of programmes in business schools, centres of scientific and technology, humanities and arts, studying the subjects like artificial intelligence, Machine learning and Data Science are becoming most advantageous in Ireland. Let us look into the reasons in greater depth.

What is Artificial Intelligence all about?

Studying Artificial Intelligence (AI) is known to be a significant subject and indeed the spectacular area to be concentrated as far as the field of computer science and engineering is concerned. This subject is of course a great challenge to the students as it focuses on creating machines in such a manner that the machines learn, adapt and exhibit intelligence. The research on Artificial Intelligence interprets that A.I. might simply transform our lives to an entirely different world where everything is possible with an application of Artificial Intelligence controlled power grids. In addition, as per the estimation on global industrial growth by the World Economic Forum, it is anticipated that machines cold perform more current work tasks than humans by 2025.

Why should a student pursue Masters in Artificial Intelligence in Ireland?

For pursuing masters in artificial intelligence, there are many universities across the world, in spite Ireland is exceptional in numerous ways which are detailed below:

  • First and foremost thing is the course fee is a lot cheaper and Ireland has been ranked on the top for its Artificial Intelligence capacity based on implementation, innovation and investment when compared with other countries in Europe.
  • Some of the universities offering masters in artificial intelligence in Ireland were amongst the globally ranked institutes.
  • A student is given choices whether to continue as full time or part time while registering for the course.
  • With the availability of Post-graduate work permit, the International students could stay back for a period of two years even after completing their full-time studies in Ireland which helps them to settle in a job right away.
  • It was also predicted that AI and related technologies are expected to boost Irish GDP in the coming recent future.
  • Many tech experts are currently working in Ireland, more IT jobs are expected to be created in the coming years for MS in Artificial Intelligence. This technology would be applied for drones, augmented reality games, security cameras, robots and much more.

Scholarships to study Masters in Artificial Intelligence in Ireland

In order to support the international students who wish to enrol their higher education in Artificial Intelligence, various scholarships are given to them without any payment. Hence, the student can attempt to apply for the following:

  • University of LImerick India PG Scholarship,
  • Max Arthur Macauliffe Special Merit Scholarship,
  • Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship,
  • J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship.

Let us look into the facts on why one should do MS in Data Science in Ireland?

There are multiple online sources created for a specific purposes, the collected data got accumulated which need to be analysed. Due to this explosion of data, there is a high demand globally for data scientists and analysts to extract the useful information. It has become a requisite for large businesses like Google, Facebook, etc. It was also observed that the big data analytics and business analytics are among the top scarcest skills in the world of today. Hence more international aspirants are looking for countries expressly Ireland in view of taking up Data Science for their higher education.  As a Data Science student in Ireland, you can acquire the vital skills that can sharpen your knowledge to become a successful data scientist in the long run. You could be able to solve multifaceted scientific problems and analyse bulk sets of data with a range of theoretical tools.

Furthermore, it supports the students to enhance the skills sets meant for practical programming and data analytics. These mainly include applications in high-performance computing and the students could get job opportunities in diverse sectors of data analytics namely computational science, engineering and quantitative modelling in finance. Many universities which offer Masters in Data Science in Ireland have made their place in the Global rankings. The Ireland universities accepts applications from students with technical backgrounds such as engineering, computer science, and mathematics.

Why machine learning is important in Ireland:

Some Ireland universities and colleges offer masters in Data Science with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning too. Machine Learning handles multi-dimensional data, as it involves the concepts of data mining and statistical pattern recognition. For example, it easily identifies the trends and patterns which are impossible for human eyes. It is advantageous to study in Ireland is mainly because of the trending careers blooming in this industry. It was stated that the companies like Stelfox, Xilinx, and Ding hire Machine Learning graduates from Ireland.

Above all, presently Ireland has more vacancies for students pursuing MS in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning. The following universities are highly valued for their courses in Ireland for international students.

  • Trinity College Dublin,
  • University College of Dublin,
  • National University of Ireland Galway,
  • Maynooth University,
  • University College Cork,
  • Dublin City University.

To recapitulate, the subject of Artificial Intelligence is found to be most thrilling and blossoming in the field of Information and Communication Technology industries.                             The Data Science and Machine Learning are also an industry-driven courses, where the degree of employability is said to be maximum and promising. Therefore, it’s the right time, you can join in any of those three courses and eagerly learn the latest technologies which would take you to a greater height in your professional life. For guidance, we are here at IRISH EXPERT, just a call away. Connect with us for more details about your admission today.

Of late, studying abroad has become a universal phenomenon. Many pupils overpass countries and continents to get the finest education possible. Studying overseas has tremendous benefits, from graduation to secured social life. The experience of studying overseas also helps an individual enlarge their social groups and professional linkages. Furthermore, the top reasons why you should study abroad are elucidated as below:

  1. Experience Diverse Cultures

Being an international student, you may get engrossed in a totally different atmosphere with students coming from all over the globe. It helps one learn, engage and experience people from all over the world following their own traditions and language. Though you have grown up in a dissimilar milieus, exploring into a new culture and tradition will certainly enrich your experience and make you learn and compare a lot to your home country with your host this way.

  • Build on adaptation skills and develop leadership quality[u1] 

In general, leadership skills are not in – built but can be imparted through learning and experience. Studying abroad broadens your knowledge base and mind set to overcome the challenges of living in another country. It helps to gain a better understanding of the world and make yourself assertive and confidant. All these qualities would predictably mould you as a good leader enabling to communicate effectively and influence others. In the same way, you may need to manage a lot and cope up with others during your stay at abroad which demands adaptation skill. Treading outside of one’s comfort zone does not mean dishonest but indeed worthwhile in acquiring adaptation skills. Such traits are mandate for the modern competitive world with a special mention on trade and commerce.

  • Magnify your communication skills

One of the greatest advantage of studying abroad is the possibility of learning a new language. As English is the Universal language, proceeding to the countries like the USA and the UK where English is spoken natively, you would find quick ways to enhance your language skills and master the art of communication skills.

  • Become an Undogmatic internationally minded person

You may come across many people in day today life during your stay in abroad. Your exposure to different type of persons will not only help you to foster your people skills, but it will also aid you in obtaining in-depth knowledge of others. Whether it is a class room, playground, office or any amusement area, you would be able to use your new global mind-set which you gained as an international student. Becoming an even-handed and unprejudiced will help steer your future.

  • Experience unique teaching methods

You will absolutely experience a different and new ways of teaching in the top ranked Universities where mostly the pupils are taught on empirical mode. The extracurricular activities and sports and the freedom for part time work are to be highlighted as far abroad education is concerned. The inimitable and distinctive teaching provides the students with more options for the research and inventions. Thereby, you could expand the academic skyline and conquer your career growth globally. Studying abroad might be a difficult decision at the beginning, it may become overwhelming due to various factors. But definitely, you would reap the rewards in spite of shortcomings and make your dream come true. If you have conviction on the fact that studying abroad is a life changing decision you can ever make, we at IRISH EXPERT welcome you to this journey abroad with us and ensure you emerge with flying colours.

Studying abroad is most advantageous and the youngsters are quite interested in venturing into a new country with different customs and outlooks. Taking into account the universal education scenario, many students are aiming for their higher education in the United Kingdom. Before landing in the UK, it is imperative to gain knowledge of those rules and activities which are permitted for International Students residing in the UK. Of course, the students will have to adhere to the restrictions enforced by the UK Government and the educational Institutions for a secure academic life. In order to make yourself aware of the guidelines, the following guide is therefore provided for clear information. Read on, you would get answers to all your queries!

Minimum no. of hours permitted under a part-time job

A student visa is granted for a full-time degree level, it generally permits you to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week during term-time. This could be either paid or unpaid work. You are also allowed to work for one or more organizations. However, you have to ensure that the 20 hours cannot be averaged over a lengthier period.

Full-time workers permitted for a certain duration

A student visa issued for full-time degree level studies allows the students to work full-time only during official vacation periods. However, the term and vacation dates differ subject to the level of study you have enrolled in, so it is imperative that you check these before undertaking a full-time job. This includes a full-time internship or placement unless it is part of your course. Masters students should consult their Faculty or Department for further details regarding official vacation periods. The academic year for postgraduate research students is continuous throughout the year, usually from 1 October to 30 September. Hence, during summer, the research students move out for work with the approval of their supervisors.

Students on a student visa can do most kinds of jobs except the following:

  • Be self-employed;
  • Engage in business activity;
  • Filling a full-time permanent vacancy;
  • Be employed as a professional sportsperson including as a sports coach – paid or unpaid,
  • Be employed as an entertainer- paid or unpaid;
  • Work as a doctor or dentist in training, unless you are on the foundation programme.

The international students should keep in mind these restrictions throughout their time on a UK student visa.

Permitted to undertake internship/work placements

Undergraduate students are able to undertake an internship during the official University vacation periods. Particularly, the medical students undertake work placements as part of their course. The International Student Office deals with these placement services and provides the required information to the Home Office at the beginning of the relevant academic year. Masters students could also undertake an internship during their official vacation periods and it is compulsory to keep your Faculty or Department informed of any changes. As far as the academic year for postgraduate research students is concerned, it is continuous throughout the year. In this circumstance, it is feasible to undertake an internship if it is considered to be a contributing factor to your Ph.D. research and approved under the leave-to-work-away procedures.

Research Scholars can work after submitting of thesis

​Once your thesis is submitted, the number of hours you can work on a student visa will solely depend on the stage of the process involved. For instance, the period between submission of thesis for examination and official notification of viva outcome is reflected as ‘vacation’. You could wisely utilise this period and work full time. Whereas the period between official notification of the viva outcome and unconditional approval of degree, which in common includes the time for working on corrections if applicable and submission of the thesis, is usually treated as full-time study. Then, you may work for up to 20 hours a week only. In case, the viva outcome is simply ‘revise and resubmit’, obviously, the University’s 10-hour working restriction applies.


Students can volunteer while studying. If permitted, they can involve in voluntary work too but this work and any paid work should not exceed the total number of hours they are permitted with. For example, if a student is permitted to work 20 hours a week during term-time and has paid work of 15 hours a week, then the voluntary work has to be concluded within 5 hours. The students also now have an option to switch to the Graduate visa if needed. This category of visa allows them to work and explore potential job opportunities for 2 years. The assistance given by the Home Office is beneficial to the international students in that it allows them to work full-time with a student visa which remains valid even after completion of the course period. For the cause of a noble carrier and a bright future, you can very well stick to the procedures imposed by the universities in the UK. If you really have a burning desire on studying in a country like the UK, please register your details with IRISH EXPERT, our education specialists will guide you to reach your dream destination.

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